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Insights from the World Economic Forum 2023

Parametric insurance models have an increasingly influential role in creating a sustainable world with solutions that extend into climate, agricultural stability and clean energy among others. This session will look at how a combination of blockchain, smart contracts and third party data is being used to develop an exciting range of innovative insurance solutions focussed on sustainability, ESG, climate and the carbon market.


There are a number of sessions and announcements on this subject planned for the World Economic Forum in January.  Join us on this LiveChat to hear about what was discussed at Davos and a detailed look at the companies that made the announcements and the initiatives that they are developing. Robin is going to host the session and ask questions of a panel that comprises:

  • Charlie Moore – Head of Carbon and Sustainability Solutions, Chainlink
  • Ruth Polyblank – VP and Partnerships Lead – Insurance, Mastercard
  • Christoph Mussenbrock, CEO and Founder of Etherisc

This event is sponsored by Chainlink Labs which provides oracle infrastructure (Blockchain ‘middleware’) that enables organizations in the carbon ecosystem to connect their existing systems, processes and data to all the major blockchain networks.

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